
Maria Montessori


Maria Montessori (1870-1952) s’occupe tout d’abord des enfants mentalement handicapés et ses observations l’amènent vers les l’importance du mouvement et du développement sensoriel pour la construction de l’intelligence de l’enfant.
Elle découvre les différentes phases du développement de l’enfant, et en particulier l’importance de ses «périodes sensibles». Elle se met à élaborer le matériel pédagogique pour ces enfants et obtient des résultats remarquables avec ceux qui sont considérés par tout le monde comme des enfants sans espoir.

Montessori Principles


  • Every child is a unique person with creative potential, the drive to learn and the right to be treated with respect as an individual.
  • As children are profoundly affected by society and their immediate surroundings, it is important to create an environment in harmony with the child’s natural development.
  • Children must be given freedom to work and move around, within guidelines that enable them to see themselves as both independent and part of a group.
  • Montessori materials help children to explore and master their environment through activities which aid the development of the whole personality.
  • Children are encouraged to work at their own pace, either individually or in co-operation with others.
  • Mixed age groups provide opportunities for the children to develop their social skills within a harmonious community
  • Children are carefully observed on a regular basis, both individually and as a group, to assist their full development

Montessori Materials

Maria Montessori developed and scientifically calibrated hundreds of materials which were designed to materialize abstract concepts in order to aid the development of the child.

All of the Montessori material has a specific purpose and its manipulation requires learning various steps that the educator demonstrates to the child. The materials are designed to go from simple to complex and from concrete to abstract.

Montessori material is self-correcting. This allows the child to make corrections without waiting for solutions to come from outside, or fear of judgment that could undermine confidence.


Nous proposons une large palette des ateliers extra-scolaires ludiques et éducatifs avec des intervenants de grande qualité. Les ateliers se déroulent dans nos locaux le mercredi entre 9.30-17.30. Les inscriptions sont obligatoires, car le nombre des places est limité à 8-12 enfants par atelier.